Carlos,Goitia,Guillermo,Lockhart,Andrés,Borghi主持执导,是一部扣人心弦的恐怖片。 《百烛游戏2》主要讲述了一群年轻人为了揭开家族秘密而进行的一系列冒险。他们通过解开谜题和挑战,逐渐接近真相,同时也面临着内心的恐惧与挣扎。豆瓣内容: A team of influencer bloggers decides to hold a ritual at the mansion of the "black countess". A fan of the supernatural, she disappeared without a trace after she was offered to play a game that was supposed to take her to another dimension. By evoking the spirit of the Countess, bloggers let otherworldly forces into the world. The one who can bring the demons back will survive.Magui Bravi饰演的Luis,面对着重重谜团,坚定地说:“我们不能停下来,我们必须找到答案。”Nacho Francavilla饰演的Fernando,在危机时刻表现出勇气与决心,他说:“无论发生什么,我都会保护你们。”Josefina Fariña饰演的Ana,在探寻真相的过程中,展现出智慧与坚韧,她坚定地表示:“我知道这很危险,但真相只有一个。”演员关系如下:Magui Bravi - LuisNacho Francavilla - FernandoJosefina Fariña - Ana百烛游戏2更多精彩末日庇护岩洞惊魂魔物2022对吸血鬼的欲望外星恶客死亡之雪2猛鬼街3女高怪谈重启:母校隔壁的男孩2015惊声尖叫2